Rekono.TSP (Trust Service Provider) Pravila delovanja za AC NLB / Operating Rules for the AC NLB
AC NLB kvalificirani ponudnik storitve zaupanja je bil ustanovljen pri Novi Ljubljanski banki d.d., Ljubljana (v nadaljevanju NLB d.d.). AC NLB je izdajal potrdila v skladu z UREDBO (EU) št. 910/2014 EVROPSKEGA PARLAMENTA IN SVETA o elektronski identifikaciji in storitvah zaupanja za elektronske transakcije na notranjem trgu in o razveljavitvi Direktive 1999/93/ES (v nadaljevanju Uredba eIDAS) od datuma vpisa (29.06.2017) na zanesljivi seznam ponudnikov kvalificiranih storitev zaupanja.
Ponudnik storitev zaupanja AC NLB je z dnem prenehanja izdajanja potrdil (28.06.2023) prenesel upravljanje storitve na ponudnika storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP, ki ga je ustanovil in ga upravlja Rekono d.o.o. Ponudnik storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP je akreditiran ponudnik storitev zaupanja v skladu z Uredbo eIDAS za overjanje digitalnih potrdil za kvalificirani elektronski podpis, kvalificirani elektronski žig, napredni elektronski podpis, napredni elektronski žig, potrdil za elektronsko avtentikacijo in izdajanje naprednih elektronskih časovnih žigov.
Ponudnik storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP bo od dneva prevzema AC NLB do konca poteka veljavnosti vseh potrdil, ki jih je izdal AC NLB, izvajal preklic potrdil in objavo statusa potrdil. To bo omogočilo nemoteno uporabo potrdil, izdanih s strani AC NLB, do konca obdobja njihove veljavnosti.
Do konca prenehanja izdaje potrdil AC NLB je bila v veljavi in se je v celoti uporabljala Politika AC NLB, javni del notranjih pravil delovanja (3. izdaja, 31.01.2018). V nadaljevanju Politika AC NLB.
Vsa potrdila AC NLB so bila izdana v skladu s Politiko AC NLB, ki ostane v veljavi kot referenca za potrebe ocene postopkov ponudnika storitev AC NLB do datuma prenehanja izdaje potrdil.
Politika AC NLB se preneha uporabljati z datum uveljavitve pričujočih Rekono.TSP Pravil delovanja za AC NLB (28.06.2023). Politika AC NLB postane priloga pričujočih Rekono.TSP Pravil delovanja za AC NLB.
Pričujoči dokument, Rekono.TSP Pravila delovanja za AC NLB, vsebuje opis pravil ter postopkov, ki jih izvaja Rekono d.o.o. za opravljanje storitev zaupanja, ki obsega preklic in objavo statusa digitalnih potrdil AC NLB. Rekono.TSP Pravil delovanja za AC NLB povzema po Politiki AC NLB identifikacijske oznake potrdil AC NLB, namene uporabe potrdil AC NLB ter postopke preklica potrdil. V delih, ki se nanašajo na postopke izdaje potrdil, ki se ne izvajajo več, se sklicuje na Politiko AC NLB. V delih, ki se nanašajo na upravljanje infrastrukture in varnostne kontrole, se sklicuje na Rekono.TSP Pravila delovanja.
Dokument Rekono.TSP Pravila delovanja za AC NLB predstavlja javni del notranjih pravil delovanja ponudnika storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP. Zaupni del notranjih pravil delovanja ponudnika storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP predstavlja interni poslovnik za upravljanje storitev in informacijske varnosti podjetja REKONO d.o.o.
Ponudnik storitev zaupanja AC NLB je z dnem prenehanja izdajanja potrdil (28.06.2023) prenesel upravljanje storitve na ponudnika storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP, ki ga je ustanovil in ga upravlja Rekono d.o.o. Ponudnik storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP je akreditiran ponudnik storitev zaupanja v skladu z Uredbo eIDAS za overjanje digitalnih potrdil za kvalificirani elektronski podpis, kvalificirani elektronski žig, napredni elektronski podpis, napredni elektronski žig, potrdil za elektronsko avtentikacijo in izdajanje naprednih elektronskih časovnih žigov.
Ponudnik storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP bo od dneva prevzema AC NLB do konca poteka veljavnosti vseh potrdil, ki jih je izdal AC NLB, izvajal preklic potrdil in objavo statusa potrdil. To bo omogočilo nemoteno uporabo potrdil, izdanih s strani AC NLB, do konca obdobja njihove veljavnosti.
Do konca prenehanja izdaje potrdil AC NLB je bila v veljavi in se je v celoti uporabljala Politika AC NLB, javni del notranjih pravil delovanja (3. izdaja, 31.01.2018). V nadaljevanju Politika AC NLB.
Vsa potrdila AC NLB so bila izdana v skladu s Politiko AC NLB, ki ostane v veljavi kot referenca za potrebe ocene postopkov ponudnika storitev AC NLB do datuma prenehanja izdaje potrdil.
Politika AC NLB se preneha uporabljati z datum uveljavitve pričujočih Rekono.TSP Pravil delovanja za AC NLB (28.06.2023). Politika AC NLB postane priloga pričujočih Rekono.TSP Pravil delovanja za AC NLB.
Pričujoči dokument, Rekono.TSP Pravila delovanja za AC NLB, vsebuje opis pravil ter postopkov, ki jih izvaja Rekono d.o.o. za opravljanje storitev zaupanja, ki obsega preklic in objavo statusa digitalnih potrdil AC NLB. Rekono.TSP Pravil delovanja za AC NLB povzema po Politiki AC NLB identifikacijske oznake potrdil AC NLB, namene uporabe potrdil AC NLB ter postopke preklica potrdil. V delih, ki se nanašajo na postopke izdaje potrdil, ki se ne izvajajo več, se sklicuje na Politiko AC NLB. V delih, ki se nanašajo na upravljanje infrastrukture in varnostne kontrole, se sklicuje na Rekono.TSP Pravila delovanja.
Dokument Rekono.TSP Pravila delovanja za AC NLB predstavlja javni del notranjih pravil delovanja ponudnika storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP. Zaupni del notranjih pravil delovanja ponudnika storitev zaupanja Rekono.TSP predstavlja interni poslovnik za upravljanje storitev in informacijske varnosti podjetja REKONO d.o.o.
Rekono.TSP (Trust Service Provider) Operating Rules for the AC NLB
AC NLB Qualified Trust Service Provider was established at Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Ljubljana (hereinafter referred to as NLB d.d.). AC NLB issued certificates in accordance with REGULATION (EU) No. 910/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/ EC (hereinafter referred to as eIDAS Regulation) as of the date of its registration (29.06.2017) in the trusted list of qualified trust service providers.
As of the date of termination of issuance of certificates (28.06.2023), the trust service provider AC NLB has transferred the management of the service to the trust service provider Rekono.TSP, which was established and is managed by Rekono d.o.o. The trust service provider Rekono.TSP is an accredited trust service provider under the eIDAS Regulation for the authentication of digital certificates for qualified electronic signature, qualified electronic seal, advanced electronic signature, advanced electronic seal, certificates for electronic authentication and the issuance of advanced electronic time stamps.
The trust service provider Rekono.TSP will revoke the certificates and publish the status of the certificates from the date of acquisition from AC NLB until the end of the validity period of all certificates issued by AC NLB. This will allow uninterrupted use of the certificates issued by AC NLB until the end of their validity period.
Until the end of the issuance of AC NLB certificates, the AC NLB Policy, the public part of the Internal Operating Rules (3rd edition, 31.01.2018), was in effect and fully applied. Hereinafter referred to as the AC NLB Policy.
All AC NLB certificates were issued under the AC NLB Policy, which remains in effect as a reference for the purposes of evaluating the AC NLB service provider’s procedures until the date the certificates cease to be issued.
The AC NLB Policy shall cease to be in effect on the effective date of this Rekono.TSP Operating Rules for AC NLB (28.06.2023). The AC NLB Policy will be an appendix to this Rekono.TSP Operating Rules for AC NLB.
This document, Rekono.TSP Operating Rules for AC NLB, contains a description of the rules and procedures implemented by Rekono d.o.o. for the provision of trust services, including revocation and publication of the status of AC NLB digital certificates. The Rekono.TSP Operating Rules for AC NLB, in accordance with the AC NLB Policy, summarizes the identifiers of AC NLB certificates, the purposes for which AC NLB certificates may be used, and the procedures for revocation of AC NLB certificates. For the parts related to the procedures for issuing certificates that are no longer implemented, it refers to the AC NLB Policy. For the parts related to infrastructure management and security controls, it refers to the Rekono.TSP Operating Rules.
The Rekono.TSP Operating Rules for AC NLB is the public part of the internal operating rules of the trust service provider Rekono.TSP. The confidential part of the internal operating rules of the trust service provider Rekono.TSP represents the internal rules of procedure for the service management and information security of REKONO d.o.o.
As of the date of termination of issuance of certificates (28.06.2023), the trust service provider AC NLB has transferred the management of the service to the trust service provider Rekono.TSP, which was established and is managed by Rekono d.o.o. The trust service provider Rekono.TSP is an accredited trust service provider under the eIDAS Regulation for the authentication of digital certificates for qualified electronic signature, qualified electronic seal, advanced electronic signature, advanced electronic seal, certificates for electronic authentication and the issuance of advanced electronic time stamps.
The trust service provider Rekono.TSP will revoke the certificates and publish the status of the certificates from the date of acquisition from AC NLB until the end of the validity period of all certificates issued by AC NLB. This will allow uninterrupted use of the certificates issued by AC NLB until the end of their validity period.
Until the end of the issuance of AC NLB certificates, the AC NLB Policy, the public part of the Internal Operating Rules (3rd edition, 31.01.2018), was in effect and fully applied. Hereinafter referred to as the AC NLB Policy.
All AC NLB certificates were issued under the AC NLB Policy, which remains in effect as a reference for the purposes of evaluating the AC NLB service provider’s procedures until the date the certificates cease to be issued.
The AC NLB Policy shall cease to be in effect on the effective date of this Rekono.TSP Operating Rules for AC NLB (28.06.2023). The AC NLB Policy will be an appendix to this Rekono.TSP Operating Rules for AC NLB.
This document, Rekono.TSP Operating Rules for AC NLB, contains a description of the rules and procedures implemented by Rekono d.o.o. for the provision of trust services, including revocation and publication of the status of AC NLB digital certificates. The Rekono.TSP Operating Rules for AC NLB, in accordance with the AC NLB Policy, summarizes the identifiers of AC NLB certificates, the purposes for which AC NLB certificates may be used, and the procedures for revocation of AC NLB certificates. For the parts related to the procedures for issuing certificates that are no longer implemented, it refers to the AC NLB Policy. For the parts related to infrastructure management and security controls, it refers to the Rekono.TSP Operating Rules.
The Rekono.TSP Operating Rules for AC NLB is the public part of the internal operating rules of the trust service provider Rekono.TSP. The confidential part of the internal operating rules of the trust service provider Rekono.TSP represents the internal rules of procedure for the service management and information security of REKONO d.o.o.
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Pretekle verzije / Previous versions:
Politika AC NLB z dne 27.6.2017
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Pretekle verzije / Previous versions:
Politika AC NLB z dne 27.6.2017